The most effective folk remedies for joint disease

Folk remedies for the treatment of joint disease have an auxiliary role. A proven remedy, including home remedies, is able to slow down the degenerative process of the joints.

We will tell you what arthropathy is and how it can help with folk remedies: rules, treatments, folk recipes for treating arthropathy at home, contraindications, basic preventive measures.

symptoms of disease

For the most common forms of the disease, such as hand arthropathy, treatment with folk remedies can relieve the condition, eliminate pain and restore joint mobility.

In addition to medication, only folk remedies are recommended for treatment. Consult your doctor before using any decoctions, infusions and heat packs.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects surrounding tissue. A common cause is the physical wear-and-tear process of the joints in both men and women around age 45. How arthropathy of the joints is performed, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies, is best known to all people of this age group.

Arthropathy Elbow Pain and Its Treatment

Warning symptoms:

  • Arthralgia (typical joint pain during exercise);
  • characteristic crunch ("dry", rough, less noticeable in the initial stages);
  • Decreased range of motion in the joints (appearance of growths due to fluid buildup in the joint pockets, progressing as the condition worsens).

For diseases such as spondyloarthropathies, in addition to the mandatory treatment prescribed by the orthopaedic doctor, folk remedies are used only at the initial stage. Severe pain, gait changes leading to calcaneal arthropathy. Treatment with folk remedies reduces pain and reduces swelling caused by inflammation.

But these are purely supportive measures. Foot arthropathy is also dangerous without comprehensive treatment prescribed by a doctor. Alarming symptoms, the possibility of treatment with folk remedies is determined by an arthrologist. Elbow arthropathy occurs less frequently than hand failure. Symptomatic treatment with folk remedies restores joint mobility.

When folk remedies are justified

Home remedies for osteoarthritis will only benefit if used correctly. The basic principle is that even in the onset of disease, folk remedies are not a substitute for conservative treatment. The Knee Arthropathy launched does not involve the treatment of folk remedies. Expert and patient reviews suggest that complex treatments can speed recovery, relieve symptoms, and stop the process of pathological changes in the joints.

folk remedies for arthritis

One factor that affects the effectiveness of home recipes is the stage of joint damage:

  • Folk remedies for stage 1 arthropathy are widely used and they can completely slow the disease;
  • Treatment of second-degree arthropathy with folk remedies - only symptomatic, together with the main treatment;
  • Folk remedies for third-degree arthropathy are actually not used, they only relieve pain symptoms because the entire musculoskeletal system is affected.
  • Doctors determine the possibility of using home methods alone.

folk remedy recipes

For diseases such as arthropathy, alternative treatments include both external and internal methods. Internal treatments include decoctions, medicinal plant infusions. They include special diets that reduce inflammatory processes. Before a joint disease can be cured with folk remedies, a treatment strategy must be agreed upon with a doctor monitoring your health.


Ointment is one of the ways of external application. They have a warming, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. They are applied to the skin around the affected joints with gentle massaging movements.

Natural ointment for joint disease

The most popular and effective ointments:

  1. turpentine. You will need 2 egg yolks, one teaspoon each. Apple cider vinegar, vodka, turpentine. Mix into a homogeneous mass. Apply to cleansed skin and rub gently. For better warming effect, apply at night, bandage the affected area, and wrap it with a wool cloth;
  2. sugar. Mix 1 gram of mummy with 200 grams of honey melted in a water bath. Apply the finished mixture to the skin until absorbed, no wrapping required.

Any ointment is recommended exclusively for clean, intact skin. You can't rub too hard.


For joint disease, hot and humid compresses are the most effective. Multilayer dressings with therapeutic benefits can be used. They consist of 3 layers: a healing agent applied to the skin, a cling film, a fleece fabric for warmth.

Common options:

  1. Use burdock leaves. 6 dried burdock leaves, 1 tsp. Vegetable oil, water. Steam the leaves with boiling water. Place on top of joint and cover with film and fleece.
  2. Egg kefir. Mix the crushed shells of the three eggs with three tablespoons. l. Kefir. Apply the mixture to the skin, cover with a film, and tie with a fleece patch.

Treatment of arthropathy with folk remedies also includes water infusions of bay leaves. Pour in the bay leaves with boiling water and add vegetable oil to the tincture.

Herbal Dressings for Knee Osteoarthritis

Decoctions and Infusions

Each patient can prepare anti-inflammatory infusions and decoctions at home.

  1. bilberry. 2 tablespoons. l. Evaporate the bilberry leaves with 400ml of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then pour into an airtight container while warm. Thermos are great for this purpose. Drink ½ cup in the morning, afternoon and evening. Treatment should last about two months.
  2. Berry Soup. Combine 2 tsp. Raspberry and elderberry, 1 tsp. Dry the arnica flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Hold in a water bath for 10 minutes, straining. Drink 100ml before meals. The approximate course of treatment is up to 2 months.

The mixture is also used in anti-inflammatory compresses.


Rubbing has anti-inflammatory, warming effects:

  • from cinquefoil (200 grams of cinquefoil poured into 1 liter of vodka, in a dark place for 2 weeks);
  • Honey-Glycerin (mix 1 tsp each of iodine, liquid honey, glycerin, and ammonia, leave in a cold place for 14 days).

Friction is used on the same principle as compression.

diet therapy

An important folk remedy for joint deformities is a special diet. It complements treatment, promotes the recovery of cartilage tissue, and reduces inflammation.

Recommended Products for the Treatment of Arthropathy

it works:

  • fatty sea fish;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meat (beef, lamb);
  • Chick;
  • Pomegranate juice;
  • vegetable;
  • fruit.

Recommended exclusions:

  • Fried, greasy, spicy food;
  • seasonings, spices;
  • fast food;
  • canned food;
  • pickles, marinades;
  • bacon;
  • Alcohol.

Diet helps prevent excess weight and relieve joint stress.

water program

A warm bath can help improve general condition and relieve pain:

  • sea (1kg sea salt mixed with 1 tablespoon honey, added to the water to be bathed);
  • Herbs (mix 3 tbsp dry st.

Bath time should not exceed 15-20 minutes. After that, take a shower.

Home Therapy Rules and Contraindications

The home method requires strict adherence to the rules:

  • It is important to discuss the use of each drug with the primary care physician;
  • Only fresh, environmentally friendly ingredients are suitable for cooking;
  • You cannot use off-the-shelf "wonder" medicines, especially if the exact ingredients are unknown;
  • Research the ingredients carefully (you shouldn't even use one of them if you're allergic);
  • Use the medicine exactly as directed, taking into account your doctor's advice (you cannot change the prescription, the duration of treatment).

Stop treatment immediately and tell your doctor if you experience any side effects. It is forbidden to use warming agents at temperatures of 37. 5°C and above, skin damage.

what did the doctor say

Traditional Chinese medicine can be used as an auxiliary method for the treatment of joint diseases. Even in stage 1, an arthrologist must be consulted, which will determine the treatment strategy. It is not a substitute for standard treatment. Home remedies are great for relieving symptoms, but they don't eliminate the cause of the problem. Over time, this can lead to serious complications.